About the project

FUTURE FOR THE PLANET - FUTURE FOR US is an Erasmus+ school partnerships project of seven schools from seven European countries. All schools involved educate students with special educational needs (autism spectrum disorders, esp. Asperger syndrome, behavioral issues, mental  and combined handicap).

The idea of the project arose from discussing education, future and career choices of students with special needs in different countries - all partners saw necessity to continually enrich and innovate their repertory of methods to motivate students and teach  them skills necessary for successful social inclusion, such as financial literacy, functional reading, social skills, teamwork and communication skills, etc. Without these skills, our students could face difficulties in higher education which they sometimes fail to complete, and in adult life in general.

The aim of the project is to motivate, activize and coach students with special educational needs to develop the above mentioned skills and competences in order to  help them to integrate more easily into local society and to give teachers an opportunity to discover and master new, effective methods.

The topic of the project - environment protection - concerns all countries involved, and lends itself well both to use of new, student-centered, participatory learning methods and to the transnational scope of the proposed project.

During the first year, students will explore local environment, study both regional and worldwide enviroment protection challenges and try to come up with a solution of a local, small scale environmental issue and influence thus positively the future of our planet.

During the second year, students will explore ways to improve their own future by learning financial literacy, functional reading, and sef-care skills. Use of participatory learning methods and team work will help them to develop their social, teamwork and communication skills as well as have a sense of-self-validation.

All projects results will be available for download to serve as inspiration or educational tool both for teaching professionals and for wider public.


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